Vibrant v4n2 – 07–12/2007
Brazilian anthropologists
in English-speaking countries
- Gifts of food: sociability and friendship among English middle class people
Claudia Barcellos Rezende - Shamans and Shamanisms: Reflections on Anthropological Dilemmas of Modernity
Esther Jean Langdon - Who is the native? Memories of fieldwork in the USA
George de Cerqueira Leite Zarur - A Brazilian anthropologist at a United States university
Ruben George Oliven - Moses Asch’s contribution to American ethnomusicology or, utility and toy, authenticity and entertainment in a United State: toward an Anthropological History of Folkways Records
Rafael José de Menezes Bastos - The astonishing resilience: ethnic and legal invisibility of indigenes from a Brazilian perspective
Cristhian Teófilo da Silva - God-parenthood and sacrifice in Northeast Brazil
Marcos Lanna