• Vibrant v.15 n.1 – 01-04/2018

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    Dossier “The Urban Peripheries”
    Neiva Vieira da Cunha, Jussara Freire, Hélio R. S. Silva (orgs.)

    III – Construction of a new imaginary of the city and public space: Saraus movement, mobility and religion

    • City as mobility:
      a contribution of brazilian saraus to urban theory
      Derek Pardue; Lucas Amaral de Oliveira
    • Lambadão:
      breaking the borders of the periphery
      Lidiane Freitas de Barros; Patricia Silva Osório; Juliana Braz Dias

    IV – City blueprints: grafitti, conflicts and desires

    • Desire-cities:
      a transgender ethnography in the urban boundaries
      Silvana de Souza Nascimento